Giải đề IELTS Writing Cam 18 Test 4 – Task 1 & Task 2

Cam 18 Test 4 – IELTS Writing Task 1

Writing Task 1

The line graph represents the average percentage change in the price of copper, nickel, and zinc throughout the months of 2014.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The line graph illustrates the fluctuations in the prices of three commodities – copper, nickel, and zinc – over the course of the year 2014.

Overall, the twelve-month period of 2014 witnessed continuous fluctuations in prices, with nickel experiencing the most significant average monthly variation.

In the initial half of the year, the price of nickel saw increments: starting at a modest average monthly increase of 6%, it gradually declined to 1% in March. This downtrend continued, hitting a nadir of -3% in June. However, the price of nickel rebounded afterward, with the percentage change reverting to -1% in July, maintaining this level until September, and ultimately reaching 1% in the final two months.

Comparatively, the price shifts for copper and zinc were less pronounced. The rate of increase decreased from a peak of 2% in January and 3% in February for copper and zinc, respectively, to troughs of -0.5% and -1% in June. From that juncture, the former (copper) experienced marginal increments of 1% or lower, with the exception of a 1.5% surge in December. In contrast, zinc exhibited a slightly lower value, marked by a decline of 0.5% to 1%. Subsequently, the price of zinc ascended consistently month after month, culminating in a peak of 2% price fluctuation in December.

Từ vựng hay trong bài:

1, Fluctuations (Noun):

  • Meaning: Variations or changes in levels, quantities, or prices.
  • Example: The line graph shows the fluctuations in stock prices over the past year.

2, Increments (Noun):

  • Meaning: Increases or additions, especially in small amounts.
  • Example: The company offers salary increments to its employees based on their performance.

3, Modest (Adjective):

  • Meaning: Small in amount or degree.
  • Example: She has a modest collection of antique books in her library.

4, Nadir (Noun):

  • Meaning: The lowest point or level of something.
  • Example: After facing multiple challenges, the team’s performance hit its nadir.

5, Reverted (Verb):

  • Meaning: Returned or went back to a previous state.
  • Example: The system reverted to its default settings after the update caused errors.

6, Marginal (Adjective):

  • Meaning: Small or minor in amount, effect, or significance.
  • Example: The price difference between the two products was only marginal.

7, Surge (Noun):

  • Meaning: A sudden and significant increase.
  • Example: There was a surge in online shopping during the holiday season.

8, Exhibited (Verb):

  • Meaning: Showed or displayed.
  • Example: The art gallery exhibited a collection of contemporary paintings.

9, Ascended (Verb):

  • Meaning: Rose or moved upward.
  • Example: The hikers slowly ascended the steep mountain trail.
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Cam 18 Test 4 – IELTS Writing Task 2

Writing Task 1

In many countries, people are now living longer than ever before. Some people say an ageing population creates problems for governments. Other people think there are benefits if society has more elderly people. To what extent do the advantages of having an ageing population outweigh the disadvantages?

In recent times, the phenomenon of increased life expectancy has resulted in a growing elderly population across the globe. While some argue that this demographic shift poses challenges for governments, others contend that there are substantial advantages to having a larger proportion of elderly citizens in society. In this essay, I will discuss both viewpoints and provide my own perspective on the matter.

On the one hand, those who believe that an ageing population brings about difficulties for governments point to various potential issues. The foremost concern is the strain on healthcare systems and pension schemes. With a larger number of elderly individuals, the demand for medical services and retirement benefits is likely to escalate, burdening the government’s budget and resources. Additionally, an ageing workforce might lead to a shortage of skilled labor in certain industries, potentially hampering economic growth.

On the other hand, proponents of the idea that an increased number of elderly people can be beneficial emphasize the unique contributions that senior citizens can make to society. Elderly individuals often possess a wealth of experience, wisdom, and expertise that can be tapped into for mentoring younger generations and offering guidance in various fields. Moreover, an ageing population can lead to a more harmonious society with stronger intergenerational bonds, fostering a sense of responsibility and care for one another. This can result in a more stable social structure, improved mental well-being, and reduced crime rates.

In conclusion, the increasing life expectancy around the world has led to discussions about the consequences of an ageing population. While challenges such as increased healthcare demands and workforce imbalances exist, the benefits of having a larger number of elderly citizens who can contribute positively to society should not be underestimated. With effective policies and strategies, the advantages of an ageing population can be maximized, ultimately leading to a more inclusive, cohesive, and prosperous society.

Từ vựng hay trong bài:

1, Phenomenon (noun):

  • Definition: A remarkable event or situation that is observed or experienced.
  • Example: The sudden increase in the number of students applying for online courses is a phenomenon that has caught the attention of educators worldwide.

2, Demographic shift (noun):

  • Definition: A change in the composition of a population, often referring to changes in age, gender, or other characteristics.
  • Example: The demographic shift towards an ageing population has led to concerns about pension sustainability in many developed countries.

3, Substantial (adjective):

  • Definition: Considerable in amount, size, or importance.
  • Example: The company has seen a substantial increase in profits after implementing innovative marketing strategies.

4, Escalate (verb):

  • Definition: To increase or intensify rapidly.
  • Example: The conflict between the two countries began to escalate when diplomatic negotiations failed to yield results.

5, Burden (verb):

  • Definition: To load or weigh down with a heavy responsibility, duty, or problem.
  • Example: The high taxes burdened small businesses and hindered their growth in the local economy.

6, Imbalance (noun):

  • Definition: A lack of proportion or equality in the distribution of something.
  • Example: The imbalance in gender representation in leadership positions is a challenge that many organizations are working to address.

7, Proponents (noun):

  • Definition: People who advocate or support a particular idea or cause.
  • Example: Proponents of renewable energy argue that it is crucial for mitigating the effects of climate change.

8, Harmonious (adjective):

  • Definition: Forming a pleasing or consistent whole; free from discord or disagreement.
  • Example: The orchestra’s performance was harmonious, with each instrument blending seamlessly to create a beautiful melody.

9, Intergenerational bonds (noun):

  • Definition: Strong connections and relationships between different generations, often within a family or community.
  • Example: The grandparents played a pivotal role in creating intergenerational bonds by sharing stories and traditions with their grandchildren.

10, Fostering (verb):

  • Definition: Promoting or encouraging the development of something, such as relationships or skills.
  • Example: The school’s program focuses on fostering creativity and critical thinking skills among students.

Lược dịch tiếng Việt 

Gần đây, hiện tượng kéo dài tuổi thọ đã dẫn đến sự gia tăng dân số già trên toàn cầu. Trong khi một số người lập luận rằng sự dịch chuyển dân số này gây ra khó khăn cho các chính phủ, người khác cho rằng có những lợi ích đáng kể khi xã hội có nhiều người cao tuổi hơn. Trong bài viết này, tôi sẽ thảo luận về cả hai quan điểm và đưa ra quan điểm riêng của mình về vấn đề này.

Một mặt, những người tin rằng dân số già mang lại khó khăn cho chính phủ chỉ ra nhiều vấn đề tiềm năng. Lo ngại hàng đầu là sự căng thẳng trong hệ thống chăm sóc sức khỏe và các hệ thống trợ cấp hưu trí. Với số lượng người già lớn hơn, nhu cầu về dịch vụ y tế và lợi ích hưu trí có khả năng tăng, gánh nặng ngân sách và tài nguyên của chính phủ. Hơn nữa, lực lượng lao động già có thể dẫn đến tình trạng thiếu hụt lao động chuyên nghiệp trong một số ngành công nghiệp, có thể gây trở ngại cho tăng trưởng kinh tế.

Mặt khác, những người ủng hộ ý tưởng rằng việc tăng số lượng người già có thể mang lại lợi ích đặc biệt nhấn mạnh vào những đóng góp độc đáo mà người cao tuổi có thể góp phần cho xã hội. Những người cao tuổi thường có trí tuệ, kinh nghiệm và chuyên môn phong phú mà xã hội có thể khai thác để hướng dẫn thế hệ trẻ và cung cấp hướng dẫn trong nhiều lĩnh vực. Hơn nữa, dân số già có thể dẫn đến một xã hội hòa thuận hơn với các mối quan hệ giữa các thế hệ mạnh mẽ, khuyến khích tinh thần trách nhiệm và quan tâm lẫn nhau. Điều này có thể dẫn đến một cấu trúc xã hội ổn định hơn, tình trạng tinh thần cải thiện và tỷ lệ tội phạm giảm.

Kết luận, sự tăng tuổi thọ trên toàn thế giới đã dẫn đến các cuộc thảo luận về hậu quả của sự già đi. Trong khi những thách thức như nhu cầu y tế gia tăng và sự mất cân đối trong lực lượng lao động vẫn tồn tại, lợi ích của việc có nhiều người già có thể đóng góp tích cực cho xã hội không nên bị đánh giá thấp. Với các chính sách và chiến lược hiệu quả, những lợi ích của sự già đi có thể được tối đa hóa, từ đó dẫn đến một xã hội thúc đẩy tích hợp, gắn kết và thịnh vượng.

Để cô Thanh Loan giúp bạn đánh giá đầu vào chi tiết, xây dựng lộ trình học tập cá nhân hoá phù hợp với đầu vào và mục tiêu bạn mong muốn
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