Từ vựng IELTS Writing & Speaking chủ đề HOUSES/ APARTMENTS

Chúng ta có thể đi nhiều nơi nhưng chỉ có một nơi để về đó là “Nhà”. Nhà là nơi chưa đầy tình yêu thương, sự ấm cúng, là nơi ra sinh ra và nuôi dưỡng ta lớn khôn. Do đó nhà cửa cũng là chủ đề phổ biến trong IELTS Writing và Speaking. Hãy cùng IELTS Thanh Loan khám phá trọn bộ từ vựng về nhà cửa trong bài viết dưới đây nhé!

Các loại nhà ở, nơi ở – Accommodation/ Houses 

Lưu ý:
  • Với những danh từ (noun), động từ (verb) …. được chia sẻ trong bài viết này, bạn hoàn toàn có thể sử dụng trong cả Writing và Speaking 
  • Tuy nhiên, với những từ vựng mà mình lưu ý là thành ngữ (idiom) hoặc là từ vựng không trang trọng (informal) thì bạn chỉ sử dụng trong IELTS Speaking thôi nhé

1, Studio apartment  /ˈstud·iˌoʊ əˌpɑrt·mənt/

  • Định nghĩa: an apartment with only one room, a bathroom, and a kitchen area
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: căn hộ nhỏ chỉ có duy nhất một phòng
  • Ví dụ: I am looking for a studio apartment near my office.

2, Basement apartment /ˈbeɪsmənt əˈpɑːtmənt/

  • Định nghĩa: an apartment located below street level, underneath another structure – usually an apartment building, but possibly a house or a business.
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: căn hộ tầng hầm
  • Ví dụ: Basement apartments were submerged in the flood.

3,Semi-detached house /ˌsemidɪˈtætʃt haʊs/

  • Định nghĩa: A house that is semi-detached is one that is joined to another similar house on only one side
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà song lập
  • Ví dụ: It is located in the back garden of an existing semi-detached house and is partially buried in the ground.

4, Detached house /dɪˈtæʧt haʊs/

  • Định nghĩa: a house that is not joined to any other house
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà biệt lập
  • Ví dụ: A large detached house is surrounded by a garden

5, Penthouse /ˈpenthaʊs/

  • Định nghĩa: an expensive apartment or set of rooms at the top of a hotel or tall building
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: căn hộ nằm trên cùng của toà nhà lớn
  • Ví dụ: This artist is staying in a penthouse in New York.

6, Villa /ˈvɪlə/

  • Định nghĩa: a house, usually in the countryside or near the sea, especially in southern Europe, and often one that people can rent for a holiday
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: biệt thự
  • Ví dụ: They rented a villa in Hoi An to stay on vacation.

7, Townhouse /ˈtaʊnhaʊs/

  • Định nghĩa: a house that is joined to another house
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà phố
  • Ví dụ: It was built in the style of a substantial timber-framed townhouse.

8, Dormitory /ˈdɔːmətri/

  • Định nghĩa: a large room containing many beds, for example in a boarding school
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: ký túc xá
  • Ví dụ: My best friend and I met each other in our university dormitory.

9, Bedsit /ˈbedsɪt/

  • Định nghĩa: a rented room that has a bed, table, chairs, and somewhere to cook in it
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: phòng trọ
  • Ví dụ: I have to move to a bedsit due to unemployment.

10, Cottage /ˈkɒtɪdʒ/

  • Định nghĩa: a small house, usually in the countryside
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà tranh/ nhà ở vùng nông thôn
  • Ví dụ: My best friend lives in a cottage in England’s countryside. 

11, Show house /ʃəʊ haʊs/

  • Định nghĩa: a new house or apartment that has been decorated and filled with furniture to show buyers what similar homes might be like when people are living in them
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà mô phỏng
  • Ví dụ: Of the 12 homes, including the show house, released in the first phase of the development, two have sold already.

12, Skyscraper /ˈskaɪˌskreɪ.pər/

  • Định nghĩa: a very tall modern building, usually in a city
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà chọc trời
  • Ví dụ: The restaurant is at the top of one of the big downtown skyscrapers.

13, Stilt house /stilt haʊs/

  • Định nghĩa:  one of a set of long pieces of wood or metal used to support a building so that it is above the ground or above wateror a body of water.
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà sàn
  • Ví dụ: The houses are built on stilts to protect them from the annual floods.

14, Bungalow /ˈbʌŋɡələʊ/

  • Định nghĩa: a house that usually has only one storey (= level), sometimes with a smaller upper storey set in the roof and windows that come out from the roof
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà gỗ một tầng
  • Ví dụ: We stayed in a wooden bungalow during our last vacation.

15, Two-floor house /tuː-flɔː haʊs /

  • Định nghĩa: a residential building that has two floors
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà hai tầng
  • Ví dụ: At their next meeting he got rid of their two-storey wall of window.

16, High-rise building /’haiˌraiz ‘bildiŋ/

  • Định nghĩa: a tall modern building with many floors
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà cao tầng
  • Ví dụ: She lives in a high-rise overlooking the river.

17, Run-down building /rʌn-daʊn ˈbɪldɪŋ/

  • Định nghĩa: in very bad condition; that has not been taken care of synonym neglect
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: tòa nhà xuống cấp, tòa nhà đổ nát
  • Ví dụ: The music video features all band members performing in an old, run-down house.

18, Houseboat /’haʊs bəʊt/

  • Định nghĩa: a boat that people use as their home, often kept in one place on a river or canal
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà thuyền
  • Ví dụ: After all, one cannot move one’s house, but if a houseboat is sound it ought to be movable.

19, Courtyard house /ˈkɔːt.jɑːd haʊs/ 

  • Định nghĩa: a type of house—often a large house—where the main part of the building is disposed around a central courtyard.
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà có sân
  • Ví dụ: A traditional courtyard house in China features a central open-air courtyard surrounded by living spaces.

20, Beachfront house /ˈbiːtʃ.frʌnt thaʊs / 

  • Định nghĩa: a house on or near a beach, sometimes used as a vacation or second home for people who commute to the house on weekends or during vacation periods.
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà ven biển
  • Ví dụ: A charming beachfront house with panoramic ocean views and direct access to the sandy shores

21, Duplex apartment /ˈdjuːpleks əˈpɑːtmənt/

  • Định nghĩa: two units in a building that are either side-by-side or stacked vertically. If the units are side-by-side, they will share a common wall.
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà chung tường với nhà bên / nhà thông tầng
  • Ví dụ: According to a state police affidavit, a week before the shooting, Kaylor and his family − who live in a duplex apartment above the victims – accused Devin Smith of indecent exposure.

Tính từ về chỗ ở – Adjectives to describe houses/ accommodation

1, homey  /ˈhəʊ.mi/

  • Định nghĩa: pleasant and comfortable
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: như ở nhà, ấm cúng
  • Ví dụ: It’s a small hotel with a homey atmosphere.

2, spacious /ˈspeɪ.ʃəs/

  • Định nghĩa: large and with a lot of space
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: rộng rãi
  • Ví dụ: The home was attractively furnished and had a spacious hall, sitting room, television lounge, conservatory and dining room.

3, roomy /ˈruː.mi/

  • Định nghĩa: If something such as a house or car is roomy, it has a lot of space inside it.
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: rộng rãi (có nhiều không gian chứa đựng đồ vật, người)
  • Ví dụ: The best thing for those who work in the mines is that they should have good roomy airways.

4, messy /ˈmes.i/

  • Định nghĩa: untidy
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: bẩn thỉu, luộm thuộm
  • Ví dụ: Vicky is a really good cook but she’s messy.

5, stuffy /ˈstʌf.i/

  • Định nghĩa: A stuffy room or building is unpleasant because it has no fresh air
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: ngột ngạt
  • Ví dụ: It’s really hot and stuffy in here – let’s open the window.

6, warm and cozy /wɔːm ənd ˈkəʊzi/

  • Định nghĩa: comfortable and pleasant, especially (of a building) because of being small and warm
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: ấm cúng
  • Ví dụ: This room is warm and cosy in the winter.

7, coastal /ˈkəʊ.stəl/

  • Định nghĩa: positioned on, or relating to the coast
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: ven biển
  • Ví dụ: This study demonstrates that careful adaptation to sea level rise can reduce the cost of coastal impacts dramatically.

8, vibrant /ˈvaɪ.brənt/  = dynamic /daɪˈnæm.ɪk/

  • Định nghĩa: energetic, exciting, and full of enthusiasm
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: náo nhiệt
  • Ví dụ: The hope is that this area will develop into a vibrant commercial centre.

9, serene /səˈriːn/ = tranquil /ˈtræŋ.kwɪl /

  • Định nghĩa: peaceful and calm; worried by nothing
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: yên tĩnh
  • Ví dụ: Her eyes were closed and she looked very serene.

10, neat and tidy (idiom)

  • Định nghĩa: clean and organized
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: gọn gàng
  • Ví dụ: If it’s a small office, keep the place neat and tidy as everything will be open for all clients

11, fully-furnished /ˈfʊli-ˈfɜːnɪʃt /

  • Định nghĩa: containing furniture or containing furniture of a particular type
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: đầy đủ nội thất
  • Ví dụ: She’s looking for a furnished flat/apartment.

12, derelict /ˈder.ə.lɪkt/

  • Định nghĩa: Derelict buildings or places are not cared for and are in bad condition
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: xuống cấp trầm trọng
  • Ví dụ: The theatre has been left to stand/lie derelict.

13, reasonable  /ˈriː.zən.ə.bəl/

  • Định nghĩa: not too expensive
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: hợp lý, phải chăng
  • Ví dụ: Tomatoes are very reasonable at this time of year.

14, comfortable /ˈkʌm.fə.tə.bəl/

  • Định nghĩa: Comfortable furniture and clothes provide a pleasant feeling and do not give you any physical problems
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: thoải mái
  • Ví dụ: One may object that people can live in fairly comfortable economic conditions but have no income or suffer from insufficient housing.

15, ample /ˈæm.pəl/

  • Định nghĩa: generous or more than adequate in size, scope, or capacity
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: rộng rãi
  • Ví dụ: Ample free parking is available.

16, luxurious /lʌɡˈʒʊə.ri.əs/

  • Định nghĩa: very comfortable and expensive
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: sang trọng
  • Ví dụ: They have a very luxurious house.

17, peaceful  /ˈpiːs.fəl/

  • Định nghĩa: without violence
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: yên bình
  • Ví dụ: She hoped the different ethnic groups in the area could live together in peaceful co-existence.

18, secure  /sɪˈkjʊər/

  • Định nghĩa: A secure place is one that it is difficult to get out of or escape from
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: an toàn, chắc chắn
  • Ví dụ: He killed the man just a month after his release from a secure psychiatric hospital.

19, minimalist /ˈmɪn.ɪ.məl.ɪst/

  • Định nghĩa: belonging or relating to a style in art, design, and theatre that uses the smallest range of materials and colours possible, and only very simple shapes or forms
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: tối giản
  • Ví dụ: The set for the ballet is minimalist – white walls and a chair.

Một số cụm động từ, danh từ mô tả chỗ ở 

1, Be surrounded by a lush and vibrant landscape

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: được bao quanh bởi phong cảnh sống động
  • Ví dụ: You would be surrounded by a lush and vibrant landscape of rolling hills and lush green forests. 

2, Lead a minimalist lifestyle 

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: có lối sống tối giản
  • Ví dụ: He leads a minimalist lifestyle, owning only a few essential possessions and focusing on experiences over material possessions.

3, A light and airy bedroom 

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: một phòng ngủ thoáng đãng và dễ chịu.
  • Ví dụ: My new apartment has a light and airy bedroom, with large windows that let in plenty of natural sunlight.

4, A spacious balcony looking out a garden 

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: một ban công rộng rãi hướng ra khu vườn.
  • Ví dụ: I love sitting on the spacious balcony, looking out the beautiful garden and enjoying the fresh air.

5, Leafy garden views from most rooms 

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: khung cảnh vườn đầy lá nhìn thấy từ hầu hết các phỏng
  • Ví dụ: Their new house has leafy garden views from most rooms, creating a refreshing and serene ambiance.

6, An air-conditioned living room 

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: phòng khách có máy lạnh
  • Ví dụ:  It’s so hot outside, let’s retreat to the air-conditioned living room for some cool comfort.

7, Spacious balcony looking out a garden

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: Một ban công rộng rãi nhìn ra khu vườn.
  • Ví dụ: I enjoy spending time on the spacious balcony, looking out at the garden and enjoying the fresh air.

8, In the heart of the city

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: Ở trung tâm của thành phố.
  • Ví dụ: Their apartment is conveniently located in the heart of the city, close to all the major attractions.

9, A lot of hustle and bustle

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: Sự ồn ào và hối hả trong cuộc sống.
  • Ví dụ: Living in the city can be overwhelming with a lot of hustle and bustle, but some people thrive in that environment.

10, Original bathrooms with baths and showers

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: phòng tắm nguyên bản với bồn tắm và vòi sen
  • Ví dụ: The old house they bought still has its original bathrooms with baths and showers, giving it a charming vintage feel.

11, Do up an old house 

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: tân trang một ngôi nhà cũ.
  • Ví dụ: They decided to do up an old house with modern touches, transforming it into a stylish and comfortable home.

12, To get on the property ladder

  • Định nghĩa: to buy a property with the aim of buying another bigger or more expensive one later in life.
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: tích cóp tài sản
  • Ví dụ: when I’m turning 25, I would like to settle down and get on the property ladder.

13, Mod cons (noun) (informal)

  • Định nghĩa: technology at home that makes jobs easier such as a washing machine, dishwasher.
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: những tiện nghi hiện đại.
  • Ví dụ: The house is equipped with mod cons, which can make people’ lives more comfortable.

14, In the proximity of something 

  • Định nghĩa: the state of being near in space or time
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: gần
  • Ví dụ: The best thing about the location of the house is its proximity to the town centre.

15, Eat-in kitchen with modern appliances

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: nhà bếp có khu vực ăn và trang bị các thiết bị hiện đại.
  • Ví dụ: Their new house has an eat-in kitchen with modern appliances, making it a perfect space for family meals.

16, Equip /ɪˈkwɪp/ (verb)

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: trang bị
  • Ví dụ: The new office is well-equipped with the latest technology and amenities.

17, Move in (place) (verb) 

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: chuyển đến (địa điểm)
  • Ví dụ: They decided to move in to the city to be closer to their workplace.

18, Settle down (verb)

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: ổn định
  • Ví dụ: After years of traveling, she finally decided to settle down and start a family.

19, Afford to do sth (verb)

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: có đủ tiền để trang trải/ mua cái gì
  • Ví dụ: With their new jobs, they can now afford to go on a dream vacation.

20, Take out a mortgage

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: đưa ra thế chấp
  • Ví dụ: They had to take out a mortgage to buy their first house.

21, Pay rent in advance

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: trả tiền thuê trước
  • Ví dụ: In some rental agreements, tenants may need to pay rent in advance for the first few months.

22, Steps to (place)

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: gần với (địa điểm)
  • Ví dụ: The apartment is just steps to the beach, offering stunning ocean views.

23, Offer a lifestyle of absolute convenience

  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: mang đến một phong cách sống tiện lợi tuyệt đối
  • Ví dụ: The new condominium complex offers a lifestyle of absolute convenience with its proximity to shopping centers and public transportation.

Thành ngữ về chỗ ở – Idioms about accommodation

1, There is no place like home

  • Định nghĩa: to have an affinity for one’s home over every other place.
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: (tục ngữ) không đâu bằng nhà mình.
  • Ví dụ: After a long trip, she finally returned to her hometown, realizing that there is no place like home.

2, Home sweet home

  • Định nghĩa: used as an expression of one’s pleasure or relief at being in or returning to one’s own home.
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: ngôi nhà ngọt ngào.
  • Ví dụ: As they walked through the door of their newly purchased house, they said to each other, “Home sweet home.”

3, Run home to mama 

  • Định nghĩa: to abandon something or pursuit and return to one’s home and family of origin.
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: trở về nơi an toàn (thường được sử dụng trong trường hợp bạn bỏ cuộc một điều gì đó quan trọng như hôn nhân)
  • Ví dụ: After the breakup, he ran home to mama, seeking comfort and support from his family.

4, Close to home 

  • Định nghĩa: affecting someone personally, typically in a way that makes them feel unsettled or uncomfortable.
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: cảm giác khó chịu hoặc xấu hổ khi liên quan đến một điều gì đó
  • Ví dụ: The criticism she received about her performance hit close to home, and she felt hurt and embarrassed.

5, A home away from home 

  • Định nghĩa: a place where you feel as comfortable as you do in your own home
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: một nơi cảm thấy thân quen, gắn kết như ở nhà (ngôi nhà thứ 2)
  • Ví dụ: The hotel was a real home away from home.

6, Eaten out of house and home 

  • Định nghĩa: to eat a lot of the food someone has in other houses
  • Nghĩa Tiếng Việt: ăn hết thức ăn ở nhà ai đó
  • Ví dụ: My two boys were eating me out of house and home, and it was impossible to fit everything in our combined fridge-freezer. 

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